Showing posts with label Skids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Skids. Show all posts

It seems that Transformers reviewer Peaugh has scored the mother lode of leaked toys from the Transformers: Dark of the Moon toy line as he has posted eight video reviews for the upcoming line. The reviews include a look at the Voyager Optimus Prime, Megatron and Shockwave along with reviews of the new Human Alliance "basic" class and three deluxe toys. It seems the H.A. basic class is a scout sized toy with tiny action figure that are sort of triple changers with a weapon mode that some voyager class figures can hold. For those wondering why Shockwave has a hose, it is likely a homage to the Generation One figure as he had a hose too but then it was for the practical purpose of getting power to the lights. Below are embeds or hit the links for all the reviews.

Deluxe Skids | Deluxe Crankcase/Dread | Deluxe Green Wrecker | H.A. Sandstorm | H.A. Whirl |
Voy. Optimus Prime | Voy. Shockwave | Voy. Megatron

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More videos for the Transformers: Dark of the Moon toys for your enjoyment. The first video is a preview of voyager Shockwave as the camera gets nice and close at at the big bad of the movie. The next two videos after that is a review of deluxe Skids broken down by checking out the vehicle mode and then the robot mode. (via Seibertron, TFW2005)

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With all the toy leaks it was just a matter of time. Thanks to members of ACToys (via Collecticon) we now have our first look at the robot and alt mode of Shockwave, the big bad of Transformers: Dark of the Moon. The character is designed as homage to his Generations One look with Cyclops head and horn along with a purple color scheme now with an alt mode of a Cybertronian tank rather than his G1 alt mode of a Cybertronian gun. The switch to a tank alt mode is expected as that has been his most common alt mode since Transformers: Energon cartoon series. As a bonus, hit the links below for more images of deluxe Barricade, various DOTM legends class figures, Crankcase (possible other name of Dread Suburban) and more.

Shockwave | Barricade | Crankcase, other Legends | Voyager Prime | Buggy, Starscream | Skids Comparison

The members at AC Toys are on a roll as they have posted more images of Transformers: Dark of the Moon toys. The latest round of posts bring images of Skids in his new black and green paint job, a possible look at Barricade with white and blue paint scheme, leader class Bumblebee, a new Human Alliance dunebuggy sorta triple changer, voyager Ratchet, and voyager Optimus Prime. The buggy may or may not be new character in the film, too early to make that leap since the movie toy line in the past has had additional toys inspired by the movie but not characters in the movie. Below are a few samples, hit the links below to view all of them. Also thanks to an anonymous site fan, here are two new images of voyager Megatron that show off the paint job really well.

Skids | Barricade | Buggy | Bumblebee | Ratchet | Optimus Prime