Showing posts with label di Bonaventura. Show all posts
Showing posts with label di Bonaventura. Show all posts

Hasbro's robots in disguise Transformers will be hitting the big screen with all of the impact and force of a Michael Bay action flick, but in the last few days, Peter Cullen, who voices Optimus Prime the leader of the Autobots, has been telling people that he's been told to keep some time free for a possible sequel.

When Superhero Hype! had a chance to talk with mega-producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura (Constantine, Four Brothers), we asked him whether thoughts of a sequel are already being tossed around, to which point he laughed heartily and replied, "I would say all of us were very reluctant to even think about it, because that's a presumption of success that none of us really want to make. Now that we've seen the film finished, now that the audience has told us that they love it when they see it, now that it feels like we have a successful entry a month from now, we've begun to talk about the ideas that we feel we can bring from the mythology that we didn't get a chance to do in this movie and the ideas in this movie that we'd like to experiment further with. There's no plotline, there's no writer hired. It's really internal to the filmmakers sort of going, 'You know what? We really love this and what about this?' I would say we're throwing ideas around right now in the hopes that we get to that place where we can sit down with a writer and really talk about it."
One would expect it would at least be easier to do a sequel now that they've designed and worked out how to create the Transformers for the movie. "From a production point of view, it is; from a script point of view, how do you take it forward?" the producer said. "Shia certainly feels like he's leaving high school at the end of this movie or feels like he's matured to that place, so where do you take him? It was a lot of questions that we have to ask ourselves that will be satisfying and interesting for us to try to put forward and for the audience to get on board. From a technical point of view, yes, Michael and ILM solved a lot of the most daunting technical issues, but knowing Michael and knowing all of us on it, we're going to create new ones for ourselves and have to figure out those, too."
Source: Superherohype
Los Transformers de Hasbro's golperán la pantalla grande con la fuerza de una pelicula de acción de Michael Bay y Peter Cullen la Voz de Optimus Prime a dicho que le han pedido que guarde tiempo libre para una posible secuela. El mega-productor Di Bonaventura comentó: “Diría que todos nosotros somos muy renuentes incluso a pensar en ello, porque ésa es una presunción de éxito que ningunos de nosotros realmente desea asumir. Ahora que hemos visto la película acabada, ahora que la audiencia nos a dicho que le gusta lo que ve, ahora que se siente que tenemos una aceptación en el mes del estreno, hemos comenzado a hablar de las ideas que nos sentimos que podemos traer de la mitología que no conseguimos hacer en esta película y las ideas de esta película con las cuales quisiéramos experimentar luego. Uno esperaría que por lo menos sería más fácil hacer una secuela ahora que han diseñado y resuelto cómo crear a los transformers para la película. “Desde un punto de vista de la producción, lo es; desde un punto de vista de la escritura, ¿cómo lo tomaremos más adelante?” El productor dijo: ¿“Shia se siente como salido de la High School secundaria al final de esta película o se siente ciertamente como si hubiera madurado en este lugar, así que cómo lo tomará? Son muchas las preguntas que tenemos que hacernos y que serán de satisfacción e interesante para nosotros intentar proponer y las audiencias las abordaran. Desde un punto de vista técnico, sí, Michael e ILM solucionaron muchas de las ediciones técnicas más desalentadoras, pero conociendo a Michael y sabiendo todos nosotros como es él, vamos a crear los nuevos (Transformers) para nosotros mismos y tenemos que calcular hacia los de fuera (público), también.”

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