Showing posts with label video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label video. Show all posts

Video Backstage Transformers 2 in MTV

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Michael Bay video promoting a new website, which talks about the last movie transformers Revenge of the Fallen. Michael said that transformers 2 will be big and darker.

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CNN Headline News ran a story about how the vehicle that was the alt mode for Bonecrusher is used to save lives by protecting soldiers looking for mines. The article used the toy version to demostrate how that works. Ironically, the arm on the toy is inaccurate as Bay has the arm extended to improve the visuals.

source: transformerslive
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Tech Tags: , A four-minute trailer for the Transformers movie featuring Black Lab's recording of the Transformers Theme. Go to the url above to get the mp3, see it in hi-res, buy the album, etc.

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Intro movie from the official Game. Converted from BIK file.

End of the game. Autobots Win

End of the game. Decepticons wins.. outro from game

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New clip from the movie that features Megatron speaking.

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This July 4th or July 3rd?

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Fans in Peru already we can find you talk back them of the action figures of the Film The Transformers in products of Mc Donalds according to the publicity of this mark in TV, the happy small box.
Los fans en Perú ya podemos encontrar las replicas de los personajes de la Pelicula The Transformers en los productos de Mc Donalds según la publicidad de dicha marca en tv, la cajita feliz.
Spot Bonecrusher transforming

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new Transformers spot TV
Tv Spot #8

Tv Spot #9

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In video movie interviews Yahoo Movies Michael Bay to char it on Transformers the movie.
En video entrevista para Yahoo Movies Michael Bay charla sobre Transformers the movie.
Michael Bay dijo que escuchó de la red “absolutamente poco”
Reconoció que el bosquejo inicial se escapó pero escuchó sobre todo los comentarios sobre las ilustraciones de los transformers.
¿ Por qué las llamas en Optimus? Porque él quizo las llamas.
Sobre los fans que dicen que él está arruinando su niñez:
“No pienso que arruiné su niñez. Si ahora miras atrás las historietas, parecen realmente anticuadas. Mi estilo es que tuve que hacer ver a estos robots en verdaderas situaciones de la vida real.”
- “Optimus Prime tiene 10.108 porciones todas se mueven y son interactivas. Un modelo muy complejo que dan una acción en vivo muy verdadera.”
- Ingeniería: Hablaron de partes que discutían si era alienigena o terrestre. También sobre cómo está caminado “cosa-pájaro” para Starscream.
Modelos tridimensionales usados para determinarse cómo podría moverse y empalmes que no podrían corregirlos.
- AKA usado para los sistemas de robots que es porqué Frenzy fue etiquetado Soundbyte durante este tiempo.Me gusto Frenzy porque él era “vicioso.”
- Optimus y Bumblebee son favoritos de Bay.
En cuanto al comentario sobre las historietas originales, tengo que agregar. Tengo todas las sesiones en DVD. Para el final era dificil conseguirlo a través. Algun gusto más sofisticado ahora contra entonces pensé. Beast Wars para mí, especialmente sesiones 2 y 3 eran lo que realmente estaba a la altura de lo que deberia escribir y de ejecutar en los transformers. Que los escritores de la película utilizaran claramente la serie original como una fuente de inspiración es parte de la razón por la que tenemos grandes esperanzas en esta película.

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With low east resolution video of trailer Transformers the movie placed in Youtube has extra scenes.
Con baja resolución este video of trailer Transformers the movie colocado en Youtube tiene escenas extras.

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Tech Tags: , presents/displays new clips of the film Transformers with new images on transformations of bumblebee and Starcream to clickear and to hope to that it loaded the video.If you want it to lower you must be registered you can see it from the same page pressing “Watch It Now”.
The clips available:
"Hidden" (March 30, 2007)
"Destiny" (March 30, 2007)
Trailer (January 2, 2007)
Teaser Trailer (July 11, 2006)
... presenta los nuevos clips de la pelicula Transformers con nuevas imagenes sobre transformaciones de Bumblebee y Starcream clickear y esperar a que cargue el video.Si lo quieres bajar tienes que estar registrado lo puedes ver desde la misma pagina pulsando "Watch It Now".
Los clips disponibles:
"Hidden" (March 30, 2007)
"Destiny" (March 30, 2007)
Trailer (January 2, 2007)
Teaser Trailer (July 11, 2006)

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Bay's Touch

Posted by AXEL | 14:23 | , , , | 0 comments »

An become fond of video upload the Youtube that throws many flowers to him to Michael Bay.
Un video aficionado subido al Youtube que le tira muchas flores a Michael Bay.


He's Michael Bay...
He's got the power... YEAH!

Bay's about on screen action
Exciting scenes are number one -- this is awesome

Some people needlessly talk shit
Even before they have seen it

All those guys are fools

Pearl Harbor kicked ass, that attack scene was rough
There were planes and explosions and that was enough

You've got to shoot... Shoot for the edit
When a big asteroid's loose send up Bruce with a nuclear bomb

Crash all those cars
Run in slow motion
For action there's only one way, it's got to be Bay

With Michael Bay's reputation, I know Transformers will be one
Kick ass movie
Imagine how cool it will feel when Optimus Prime tough as steel
Transforms and looks around

Forget the haters who do nothing but knock,
Like your movie with Sean the Transformers will Rock!

You've got to shoot,
Shoot for the edit

When the drug dealers run,
Have Will chase them and dodge all the cars
Drive at top speed
Blow up that hangar

You know at the end of the day, action is Bay!

His films are on fire!

I know Bay's got the touch!

Fast cars and guns, planes fighting in the sky
So for the Transformers, Bay is the perfect guy!

He's Michael Bay
He's got the power! YEAH!

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Screeshot Transformers The Game


Source transformers movie pool
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