Showing posts with label TF4. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TF4. Show all posts

In an interview with MovieWeb to promote the release of Fast Five, Tyrese Gibson provided the prediction that Michael Bay and Shia LaBeouf will return for Transformers 4.

"My humble prediction would be that... we're at $1.1 billion. This is the biggest year of my life. I'm on the other side of $1.7 billion in box office receipts, between both films. I think, with the success of Transformers: Dark of the Moon, both Michael Bay and Shia probably want a break from the franchise, but there's no way, I believe, that, at some point, they're not going come back to do Transformers 4. Maybe they need a few years to get a few other creative things out of their system, which is understandable, but for people to love this franchise around the world like they do, its damn-near crazy to not give the fans what they love and enjoy again. So maybe two years, maybe three years will go by, you never know, but I believe, and hope, that we are able to do another Transformers. I'm a real Transformers fan, outside of the fact that I'm in the movie, but I just hope we're able to do it again one day. It's the first film in Paramount's 99-year history that has ever grossed $1 billion. I hope we're able to figure this out."
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In a post on his message board, Transformers producer Don Murphy commented (log in required) on what his hopes are for the next film.

What happens next? Certainly not a reboot. We haven't lost the Transformers. They didn't grow up or become expensive like Toby Maguire. I don't know what happens next. I'm pretty sure there will be a second trilogy. I am pretty sure it will kick ass. And I am pretty sure some of you will hate it because it wasn't all bots.
Right now the studio is just enjoying the mountain of money Dark of the Moon making them followed by the DVD/Blu-ray release. After that is when they will probably sit down and get serious about mapping out the future of the Transformers franchise. I think the studio is waiting to see how Amazing Spider-Man performs next summer. It proves to be a perfect test case to determine if a reboot so soon after the original movie trilogy can be just as successful. I am basing this line of thinking on the reality that for studios it is not about if a reboot is good idea or not but just a business first decision of keeping all options open for the most financial success.

I didn't even want to waste my time writing this or your time reading it but sadly ShowbizSpy's link bait article claiming Jason Statham (The Transporter, The Expendables) is up for a role in Transformers 4 has popped up on at least 4 websites that I am aware of. It is complete nonsense that isn't even worth repeating. A Hollywood insider told the site, "It’s clear the franchise still has huge potential but with a new leading man capable of taking Transformers in a new, darker direction. Jason could be just the man to do that and his relationship with Rosie would be an added bonus in marketing the movie."

Translation: A bunch of guys were standing at some studio office talking about how hot Rosie Huntington-Whiteley looked in DOTM, which likely led to them talking about how her boyfriend Jason Statham would be perfect for a role in the next movie but he only likes dark stories with flawed "heroes". Someone heard this and called the website who thought "hey this will get a lot of hits!" and thus a BS story like this is born.
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Everyone's favorite Transformers fan (sarcasm intended) Roger Ebert has decided to dedicate a post of his very popular blog to Transformers. His reviews of the movies have fallen just short of absolute hatred so it is interesting for him to claim "I have become fascinated by Transformers." While my review was not flattering, I did find Dark of the Moon to be very entertaining while Ebert wrote "It provided me with one of the more unpleasant experiences I've had at the movies."

His post is to somehow derive the origin of Transformers as a race based on how they were depicted in the last two movies as he makes no meaningful reference to the first while ignoring all non-movie related aspects of the now 25+ year old franchise. It is really just another exercise in expressing his extreme dislike of the Transformers movies. While not nearly as bad as his "Video games can never be art" post, this is another example of him writing on things that is way outside his scope of experience and interests. While part of the fun of a blog (or the internet in general) is having opinions based on vapor, I expect better from Ebert considering his credentials and influence. Anyway the whole bizarre and almost stream of consciousness post can be found here.

Feel free to comment here or there (let him know I sent you) but keep the comments civil in both places. I have no problem deleting the R-rated or just pointlessly mean comments. It takes me a whole lot less time to delete then it takes for you to write.

The short answer is probably not. The long answer is it is way too soon to know. However, that has not stopped MovieWeb from posting their "exclusive" that Hollywood great Steven Spielberg "may" direct Transformers 4. Spielberg is the Executive Producer of the three Transformers films so he has at least the basic knowledge to easily take up were Michael Bay leaves off. Don't get excited though, this "information" comes from Tyrese Gibson who was suggesting this hypothetical scenario.

If Michael Bay decides to come back for Transformers 4, I'll be there. We'll make it happen. (Right now), I think we are all exhausted with the process. If this movie does what we are all assuming it's going to do, then, I think it’s time to revisit this conversation. When it's time. There are no concepts, no direction, no nothing for Transformers 4, because everyone has been so focused on Transformers: Dark of the Moon. But here is the safety net. Are you ready for this?
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