The short answer is probably not. The long answer is it is way too soon to know. However, that has not stopped MovieWeb from posting their "exclusive" that Hollywood great Steven Spielberg "may" direct Transformers 4. Spielberg is the Executive Producer of the three Transformers films so he has at least the basic knowledge to easily take up were Michael Bay leaves off. Don't get excited though, this "information" comes from Tyrese Gibson who was suggesting this hypothetical scenario.
If Michael Bay decides to come back for Transformers 4, I'll be there. We'll make it happen. (Right now), I think we are all exhausted with the process. If this movie does what we are all assuming it's going to do, then, I think it’s time to revisit this conversation. When it's time. There are no concepts, no direction, no nothing for Transformers 4, because everyone has been so focused on Transformers: Dark of the Moon. But here is the safety net. Are you ready for this?Read More »
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