The imminent opening of Transformers The Movie to on town the Web of trailers and spot with small sequences of action of the film that let to the spectators with desire see more.
Superherohype presents exclusive spot TV:
Already this in line the official Web to Transformers Albums of the movie with groups like Goo Goo dolls, HIM, Linkin Park, Smashing Pumpkins, etcSuperherohype presents exclusive spot TV:
Just when you thought the TV spots couldn't get any better... they just did. Hype! has your exclusive first online look at the awesome new TV spot for director Michael Bay's highly-anticipated Transformers, which hits theaters at 8pm on July 2nd!
El inminente estreno de Transformers The Movie a sobrepoblado la web de trailers y spot con pequeñas secuencias de acción de la pelicula que dejan a los espectadores con ganas de ver más. Superherohype presentó tambien un video con imagenes que no se han visto antes y lo mejor es que se puede descargar en mov.
Además ya esta en linea la web oficial del Album de la pelicula con grupos como Goo Goo dolls, HIM, Linkin Park, Smashing Pumpkins, etc.
Source: ComicXX
Tags Perublogs : Transformers, album, musica, soundtrack.
Tags Blogalaxia : movie, transformers, album, artistas.
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